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High School Renovation Addition Building Committee Minutes 2-7-06
Tuesday, February 7, 2006

I. CALL TO ORDER - Chairman Hank Frey called the meeting at 7:30 am in the Selectmen's Chamber, Town Hall. Present were members Jeff Brighenti, Ann Dearstyne, Jim Eacott, Doug Evans, Bob Paine and John Papa.

II. MINUTES OF PRECEDING Meeting - January 5, 2006 - On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Mrs. Dearstyne, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the ARS Renovations Addition Building Committee be approved, as amended.
Messrs. Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Fvans, Paine, Papa and Mrs. Dearstyne voted in favor.



1. Results of 2/2/06 Council Meeting
Chairman Frey reported the meeting lasted about 45 minutes. Chuck Boos, Scott, Dave Shopis and myself attended. It appears quite clear that the Town Council wants the project to move allead. if we come back short,
at that point we'll have a Referendun, if we don't bave enough money in the budget to do everything that's required.
2. Architect Update
a. Status of DOT application - Mr. Boos reported that his inforniation. has us on the March Agenda. The Approval of the application will likely occur at that time.  The DOT has met with the Chief  of Police and some improvements were discussed at the Country Club Road intersection. Theroad improvements will likely be a local responsibility, basically the cost for moving the polls. We won't have the money to finish the project, so they'll have to look somewhere else for the funding. In response to a question from Mrs. LaMonica, Mr. Boos reported it will probably cost $175,000 - he feels it is preliminary to put a number on this because we don't know yet just what they want.
c. Status of SFU review. There has been no change to the March 15threview date.
d. Status of land transfer witb Avon Water Company. Mr. Boos reported that is moving along and they don't expect any issues there. We have to wait for the State to approve the project. In response to a
question frorn Mr. Eacott, Mr. Boos feels timing will be a problem which affects the starting date. From his prior discussion with the State, he felt we would have approval arowid rnid-February, now they are saying March 17th. He stated further we cannot go to bid until we have a letter from SFU stating that we are authorized to go ahead; that usually occurs about a week after the plans are returned to us.
c. Other Potential design changes - Scott Mangiali reported they presented FIP with a couple of alternates for the ceiling design. Generally we downsized the number of sofits based on the November plans,
actually reducing the number of sofits which would bring the cost of the project down, The type of tiles affects the acoustics so we didn't want to change then. Regarding the maintenance building, we gave FIP several options, one was to limited the 4-bay building to a 3-bay building in a two story structure. Another option was to split the 2 stories into a single story structure, for athletic storage and a separate one for maintenance- The athletic building would be between the fields. The storage building could be right where it is planned or to locate it in the semicircle right in front of the existing gym.
3.      Construction Manager
a. Review Progress Estimate #2 - Mr. Hardy reported there are 23 items that will be reconciled from the November estimate over the past several months. Some chmges were made to definition of air
conditioning in the locker room; there were audio sound systems in the audio center and the existing gym that were noted as not being a requirement. Sbot clocks were eliminated; the cost of scoreboards and the volleyball equipment were items that were eliminated. Tbe flume hoods were eliminated in the labs and associated duct work. All the recessed floor matting was eliminated and sonie other type of matting will be installed in the area.  The video curtain in the Cafe was eliminated. We had carried guard rails at all the skylights in the existing gym - we were told there is no need for guard rails around the skylights.  Cost for bleachers in the new gym were reconciled.  We carried an oil tank for the gyrn;p there is no requirement for this and we will tap into the existing tanks. Specialty lighting in the cafeteria was toned down; exterior lighting allowance was removed from the estimate. The next several items are estimated iterns that need to be confirmed. Some items were put in at the recommendation of the Architect. The stage lighting was increased by $50,000 and there is no cost carried for a master clock system. These changes brought the $26,586,395 down to $25,859,920.

Mr- Boos reported be would sit down with the Boaxd of Ed to determine just what items are needed as presented, and which could be "pared back" and still fit the requiremerts.  Mr. Brigbenti asked that if these items are in the Ed Specs, and if they are actually in the original bid, as requested. He was advised that some were, others are not. Mr. Boos responded by indicating which items from the list are in the documents. There was some question about where the requests originated. The Chairman commented that the original amount was put to Referendum and approved by the voters. After a discussion on possible bid altemates, it was the decision of the Committee that we not sacrifice the integrity of the building- After the bids are in and reviewed, we will be in a better position to make decisions on this.

Mr. Hardy preserited a revised schedule to the Committee. Two factors changed the original schedule as presented last November. We assumed the State would get back to the team in February and we would bid in March.   We now know that March 17th is the date and this will change the schedule. Some milestone dates will be March 17 th when the drawings will come back., then it will take 2 weeks to revise the drawings; March 3 0th when we get the bids, we will go to the marketplace. We feel it will take 4 to 5 weeks to hard bid the project out and get the bids back from the contractors.  We then have to do a reconciliation before we can submit our final guaranteed price to send back to the Town.

On or about the 16th of May we would be able to issue that and assurning we are over $22,998,000 - if we are a penny over that - there will be an amount that has to go back to Referendum.  If we plug in 45 days from the time we actually have the Referendum amount approved, we will then be able to break ground on or about the 19th of July.  On this basis we cstirnatc completion  of the project will go frorn the end of August, '07, to sometime in November of' '07 with final completion in December of  '0.   He reported on the problems that will be caused because of weather, possibly. Because we cannot plan on the full summer, it will mean that there will be some disruption in classes. Mr. Evans left the meeting.

        a. Approve Bills
On a motion made by Mr. Brighenti, seconded by Ms. Dearstyne, it was voted:
RESOLVED:       That the AHS Renovations Addition Building Conunittee approve payment of $100,046.37 to Kaestle-Boos, as submitted.
Messrs. Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Faine, Evans and Mrs. Dearstyne voted in favor.
Payment of the Consultant Expenses in the amount of $22,793.00 will be deferred until the next meeting at the suggestion of Mr. Boos.

On a motion inade by Mrs. Dearstyne, seconded by Mr. Brighenti, it was vote
RESOLVED: That the AHS Renovations Addition Building Committee approve Payment of $7,510.00 to Kaestle-Boos for Landscape fees to J. Sperry for services rendered.
Messrs. Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Paine., Evans and Mrs. Dearstyne voted in favor.

The Chairman reported the next meeting will be held the second Tuesday of March.

Mrs. Roell wants to assure the plan we have developed is the most cost effective, both short arid long term basis for the Town of'Avon.   She feels it is important that we convince the public we are doing the best we can. She, herself is not assured that the building is a good product without being excessive. She feels it is necessary to tell the people that we have looked at this plan, that this is all we need, as there is money available, or explain why we need additional funding.  The Chairman commented that the initial amount was approved at Referendum and he does not see a need, at this point, to explain furthur because we have hired professionals to do thie best job for us, we are spending a lot of money, and we should have faith in their results.

On a motion made by Mrs. Dearstyne, seconded by Mr, Pairie, it was voted:
RESOLVED: That the AHS Renovations Addition Building Committee adjourn At 915 prn.
Messrs- Frey, Brighenti, Eacott, Paine, Evans and Ms. Dearstyne votod in favor.

Restpectfully Submitted,
Ann L. Dearstyne, Secretary

Attest: Elinor Burns, Clerk